What is a church? Part 6

This week I read Acts 9. In this chapter we see Saul travel Damascus to persecute Christians. On the way he has an encounter with Jesus and is saved. Ananias is sent to him and baptises him (Acts 9:1-19a). Saul starts preaching in the synagogues, and when his life is threatened, he escapes to Jerusalem (Acts 9:19b-25). In Jerusalem, the believers are concerned about Saul, but Barnabas vouches for him. He … Read More

What is a church? Part 5

What is a church? Part 5

This week I read through Acts 8. We start with Saul approving of Stephen’s death and the news that the church is scattered because of persecution. The Apostles remain in Jerusalem (Acts 8:1-3). Philip, one of the seven, goes to Samaria. There he preaches and does miracles. Many believe and are baptized. Simon the Magician is amongst them (Acts 8:4-13). News of this reaches Jerusalem, and Peter and John are sent … Read More

What is a church? Part 4

What is a church? Part 4

During the last week I read Acts 5, 6 and 7. In these chapters we read about Ananias and Sapphira who sold land to give to the believers. They lied about how much they got, claiming to have given all, when in fact they gave only a portion. God kills them for the lie (Acts 5:1-11). We then get a report on miracles being done by the Apostles in the temple. … Read More

What is a church? Part 3

What is a church? Part 3

This week I read Acts 3 and 4. Briefly what happens is Peter and John are going to the temple to pray, when they heal a man in Jesus name (Acts 3:1-10). When questioned on this they preach Jesus resurrected (Acts 3:11-26). This angers the Sadducees who have them arrested (Acts 4:1-4). Later they are brought before the Sanhedrin, who threaten them not to preach Jesus. They tell the Sanhedrin that … Read More

What is a church? Part 2

This week I went through Acts 2. In this chapter the believers are waiting for the Holy Spirit. As they are filled/baptized they start speaking in tongues, which in the context of the chapter is foreign languages (Acts 2:1-4). The believers are then outside, and everyone hears the gospel in his/her language. This creates a lot of questions, which Peter answers by preaching and a lot of Jews are saved that … Read More

What is a Church? Part 1

As I read chapter 1 from Acts, more questions are raised than answers given. This is natural considering that I do not want to read my preconceived ideas into the scripture. I will go through these questions in this post. I will do this based on how I read, which is paragraph by paragraph. Acts 1: 1-5 This is Luke’s introduction to his historical work. And a short piece on Jesus … Read More

What is a Church? – Introduction

Introduction As I embark on my journey through Acts, and possibly the New Testament letters, I must take a moment to consider 2 items. First, my preconceptions. The second, my strategy. Preconceptions. I grew up in a ‘traditional’ Pentecostal church, an Assemblies of God. There I was taught the fundamentals of being a Christian. How to be saved, making a willful decision to serve God, and live the way Jesus showed … Read More