This week I read Acts 10-12. Before we look at the text in detail, I will summarize what happens. We start with Cornelius being a God-fearing man. He is instructed to send men to fetch Peter. (Acts 10:1-8). Peter is praying on the roof of a house he is staying at in Joppa. He gets a vision where a voice instructs him to eat of all the animals. Peter says he … Read More
All posts tagged Peter
This week I read through Acts 8. We start with Saul approving of Stephen’s death and the news that the church is scattered because of persecution. The Apostles remain in Jerusalem (Acts 8:1-3). Philip, one of the seven, goes to Samaria. There he preaches and does miracles. Many believe and are baptized. Simon the Magician is amongst them (Acts 8:4-13). News of this reaches Jerusalem, and Peter and John are sent … Read More
This week I went through Acts 2. In this chapter the believers are waiting for the Holy Spirit. As they are filled/baptized they start speaking in tongues, which in the context of the chapter is foreign languages (Acts 2:1-4). The believers are then outside, and everyone hears the gospel in his/her language. This creates a lot of questions, which Peter answers by preaching and a lot of Jews are saved that … Read More
As I read chapter 1 from Acts, more questions are raised than answers given. This is natural considering that I do not want to read my preconceived ideas into the scripture. I will go through these questions in this post. I will do this based on how I read, which is paragraph by paragraph. Acts 1: 1-5 This is Luke’s introduction to his historical work. And a short piece on Jesus … Read More