Sometimes you hear stories of people going through difficult times, and coming out of them with changed lives. They find God, or realize they need to show more love. In some cases, people totally change their way of life. But I always said the way I entered my sickness was the way I came out. No change. My reasoning was 2-fold. Firstly, I am a born-again Christian. That has not changed. … Read More
In life if we want to move forward we need to be willing to fail or receive feedback. Basically we need to be willing to be vulnerable. To explain this point, I have a video from an insightful young lady (ok, she’s my wife, but it’s all still true). Enjoy.
While going through the news today I came across an interesting article. United States vice president Mike Pence was put in charge of the U.S.A.’s Corona virus team. These guys are going to determine a strategy to fight the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S.A. What I was impressed with was that they started their meeting with prayer. But the article also went on to explain that there was a lot … Read More